Those Darling's

Friday, June 30, 2006

Adventures with Grandma

Gone to the Birds
Grandma and Gracie enjoyed feeding the birds some of their favorite tropical delight. I believe it is known as sugar water.
Sunbears and Grandma's
After surviving record heat, we went to see how the local wildlife faired. Once again Monkey's were the hit of the day and those darn goats were the worst. Grace thinks they stink and will not touch those filthy animals.

Jameson Square
The last two weeks have been a great time for Miss Grace. She has had Grandma Debbie here to entertain her at will. What a time!! Grandma Debbie will need to take another vacation from her vacation with the Darling's. Here are a few pictures of the wild times w/ Grandma. We hit Jameson Square in the Pearl, the Oregon Zoo, storytime, and many walks around the neighborhood.